Simona Etinski

A post-doctoral researcher in the Cryptology group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam. My current research focuses on the topics in post-quantum cryptography, more precisely, on classical and quantum algorithms used for attacking code-based and lattice-based primitives. My full resume is given here.

ATTACC presentation - Sieving for Codes: from GJN to Hash-based & RPC

The talk is based on the paper Asymptotics and Improvements of Sieving for Codes (Eurocrypt 2024), done in collaboration with Léo Ducas, Andre Esser, and Elena Kirshanova.

February 2024

Thesis presentation - Generalized Syndrome Decoding Problem

In this talk, I presented my PhD thesis on the Generalized Syndrome Decoding Problem and its Application to Post-Quantum Cryptography, done under the supervision of André Chailloux and Frédéric Magniez. The thesis was defended on June 28, 2023, in Paris.

June 2023

See Talks for a full list.


Asymptotics and Improvements of Sieving for Codes , Eurocrypt 2024

Joint work with Léo Ducas, Andre Esser, and Elena Kirshanova.

Generalized syndrome decoding problem and its application to post-quantum cryptography , PhD thesis

Under supervision of André Chailloux and Frédéric Magniez.

Classical and Quantum algorithms for generic Syndrome Decoding problems and applications to the Lee metric , PQCrypto 2021

Joint work with André Chailloux, and Thomas Debris-Alazard.

See Publications for a full list.

Open Source

Information Set Decoding Analysis

The project complements the paper Classical and Quantum algorithms for generic Syndrome Decoding problems and applications to the Lee metric, done in collaboration with André Chailloux and Thomas Debris-Alazard.

MCCL Contribution

The project is a contribution to the MCCL library and implements sieving algorithms for codes.

Sieving for Codes

The project complements the paper Asymptotics and Improvements of Sieving for Codes, done in collaboration with Léo Ducas, Andre Esser, and Elena Kirshanova.

See Open Source for a full list.


December 2023
April 2022 - June 2022

See Teaching for a full list.

Simona Etinski

Email :

simona [dot] etinski [at] cwi [dot] nl

Address :

M265, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI),
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam